Hi Remius
And there is more - After returning home from his mission, he got married before graduating with an accounting degree. After working as an accountant for several years, Correia opened a gun store with business partners while continuing work as an accountant. He also started working as...
Hi Remius
Fox news is no longer Murdoch(sp?) Sr baby. His sons run it now and they are dem supporters. (One of the son's wife apparently exclaimed "we won" after Biden was named President Elect by the msn.)
Seems like he's going all the way
President Xi Jinping tells China's troops to focus on 'preparing to go to war': reports
Xi's remarks come at a time when China's relationships around the world — including with Canada and the United States — are increasingly fraught
Tyler Dawson
National Post...
Not sure if this belongs here or in Int Def & Sec
The End of Appeasement in Britain?
by Richard Kemp
October 14, 2020 at 5:00 am
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the...
I think of N Korea as a strange yet fascinating country.
North Korea unveils new weapons at military parade
Kim Tong-Hyung
The Associated Press
October 10, 2020 8:01AM EDT
SEOUL, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned Saturday that his country would "fully mobilize"...
Putin has made it clear that he would be willing to work with whomever the American people vote for in November. However, it seems that he has his eyes on Biden.
Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden, Claims 'Shared Values' Between Democrats and Communism
BY DAVID BRENNAN ON 10/8/20 AT 10:05...
Hi mariomike
I think the highlighted word 'maybe' is slightly off ref "I believe the claim of 'depressing the minority vote' is an exaggeration." and note politico's complaint was low turnout - not voter suppression.
The politico article states
Well, the way i see it is simply the democrats...
I didn't know Cdn police had such a symbol
RCMP officers told not to wear symbol depicting ‘thin blue line’
By Douglas QuanVancouver Bureau
Sat., Oct. 10, 2020timer3 min. read
RCMP members across the country have been told in a memo they are no longer to wear or display symbols depicting a...
Good article and the author is an old hand at politics.
I believe the claim of "depressing the minority vote" is an exaggeration.
And what about (whataboutism ;D ) the democrats plan to disrupt/dispute the election?
Hi Reimus
I've said this before and I say it again - mediabiasfact check is biased.
As for Politifact, they are not biased free.
My point is simple - PJ Media is a right leaning website and so what? CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, etc. are all biased towards the left.
Don't forget that WaPo and...
And in the other corner ...
At Least Two of Gretchen Whitmer's Kidnapping Conspirators Appear to Be Anti-Trump Anarchists
BY VICTORIA TAFT OCT 08, 2020 10:14 PM EST...
I don't know if this article belongs here but it's a stunner
Most military cadets say they've seen unwanted sexualized behaviour at college
Vast majority of students surveyed say they've avoided intervening in such incidents
Murray Brewster • CBC News • Posted: Oct 08, 2020 12:55 PM ET | Last...
Australia seems to understand China and its actions
Canada's feckless government needs to show some spine on China
When dealing with an international bully, restraint is rarely effective. Neither is handwringing, or keeping your head in the sand
Author of the article:Derek H. Burney, National...
Wonder how big the results would be
Canada’s Supreme Court to consider whether Native Americans in U.S. have rights north of the border
Amanda Coletta
Oct. 7, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
It was a frosty October morning when Richard Desautel aimed his Mauser 98 bolt-action rifle at a cow elk in...
The way it was.
The Canadian Army Newsreel kept the Canadian public informed with what was going on with the war in Europe in 1944.
Wow! Math is racist? Some people have way too much time on their hands
Mathematics association declares math is racist
Barrett Wilson Montreal, QC
October 3, 2020 2:57 PM
The Mathematical Association of America released a statement Friday claiming both that mathematicians should engage in...
I have doubts about this but imagine the possibilities
Australian scientists say they have ‘squared the numbers’ of the grandfather paradox
Anthony Cuthbertson@ADCuthbertson
4 days ago...
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