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  1. shawn5o

    6 Jan 2020 U.S. Events (Split from A Deeply Fractured US)

    Weinie, usually I agree with your positions but not this one.
  2. shawn5o

    A Deeply Fractured US

    Well Hogtown does love to copy us activists
  3. shawn5o

    Are we becoming too Politically Correct?

    Oh the prima donnas, eh
  4. shawn5o

    Are we becoming too Politically Correct?

    And what happens if one tells a unPC joke and it is overheard? You know, maybe a disparaging joke about the PM (blackface comes to mind) And everyone should take offence to eavesdroppers
  5. shawn5o

    Are we becoming too Politically Correct?

    It did happen. At out briefing in Edmonton, the answer to your question(?) is yes, a complaint can be addressed
  6. shawn5o

    6 Jan 2020 U.S. Events (Split from A Deeply Fractured US)

    Anyway folks, grab the popcorn, sit back and watch the surreal events unfolding in Washington. My God, I support the Trump protestors but not the violence. No one can blame the protestors though - they know the vote has been stolen. To sum up, when Trump won (so many moons ago), half the...
  7. shawn5o

    6 Jan 2020 U.S. Events (Split from A Deeply Fractured US)

    Exactly what did trump do that would be sedition?
  8. shawn5o

    US hacked December 2020

    Sorry Brihard but BM spoke truth. And distracting from the issue bringing up OB's other activities is called distraction. Address the issue that BM brought up and don't distract.
  9. shawn5o

    Have A Safe And Happy New Year !!

    Happy New Year everyone. Lets hope that 2021 will be better :giggle:
  10. shawn5o

    American youth too flabby to defend nation, retired generals say

    I guess the same applies to Canada American youth too flabby to defend nation, retired generals say By Mike Glenn - The Washington Times - Monday, December 28, 2020 A group of retired military leaders is warning the Pentagon that most of America’s youth is too out of shape to defend the...
  11. shawn5o

    Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases

    The article below is from Rebel news (I'm still on the fence about Ezra's news site) but if true, it makes more distrustful of our current PM SECRET MILITARY DOCUMENTS: Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases By Ezra Levant | December 09, 2020 Justin Trudeau invited...
  12. shawn5o

    Liberals table bill to implement UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peop

    Wasn't sure if this should be in reset thread or whatever, so here goes Liberals table bill to implement UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples By Maan AlhmidiThe Canadian Press Thu., Dec. 3, 2020timer3 min. read OTTAWA - The Liberal government introduced long-awaited legislation...
  13. shawn5o

    What’s in a Soldier? How to Rebrand the Canadian Armed Forces

    and and I'd like to comment on the a/m statements concerning career, etc When I was with Range Control, I had access to the library and read parts of the Opie-Dopies. And if I recall correctly, there was a quotation from a U.S. Army Col (I think) and it went along the lines of that ORs in...
  14. shawn5o

    What’s in a Soldier? How to Rebrand the Canadian Armed Forces

    Boy, it sure sounds complicated nowadays. I joined in '74 - easy as pie. I'm pretty sure prior to 74, the recruiting slogan was "Are you man enough for the challenge?" And when I joined, the slogan was "There's no life like it," how inspiring, eh Back in '78, Ottawa ordered a trial run of...
  15. shawn5o

    US Presidential Election 2020

    Found it
  16. shawn5o

    US Presidential Election 2020

    G2G Where and when did I imply MSN is "fake news"?
  17. shawn5o

    US Presidential Election 2020

    Hi NP We can say the same thing about HuffPo, CNN, etc (ok - no survivalists in them) Question - how do you know the guy is unhinged Fact - Biden's win is statistically impossible.
  18. shawn5o

    Helicopter Crash In Egypt

    RIP soldiers and prayers to the survivor