It does not fit the bill
When you provide the truth then I will be convinced
Edit - Reimus, if you mean "an outbreak against authority", then it may be true but not in this case.
Think Rodney King - now that was an insurrection
The FBI "SWAT TEAM" is (are?) clearing out the capitol.
Question: Why are law enforcement wearing army camouflage (ya know, green, olive drab, brown, black etc.)?
"Are you talking about a DND work place?"
No Jarnhamar
But it evolved to the MP unit and then I took "action" that proved a MCpl's slander is more trustworthy than a cpl
"Depends on what defines "stolen". Some felt Trump "stole" the last election, but didn't base their opinions on accusations of electoral fraud."
Hi Brad,
And four friggin years of Russia collusion, peetapes, the steel dossier, losers, etc. (rolling eyes)
But you're right - it wasn't about...
I don't know milnewsbay
Everyone in my "bubble" knows I can't stand the PM but this is now and not when I was in uniform.
Besides if I tell a "dirty" joke and a female peer overhears it, not my problem.
Let me get this straight
(True story) My ex-girlfriend overheard a female colleague of mine stating slanderous thoughts about me with other military members present but that doesn't count, right Jarnhamar?
Because I took it to my superior (a WO) and it was dismissed
Thanks ladies and other...
Hi weinie, you have a valid point.
So if everything is above board (Dem side) why are they so determined not to allow an investigation? If there is no fraud, then allow the inspections to take place and prove Trump's team wrong.
"But at least we know more about what they’re going to do. And...
Yes it is a dark day in the US. I don't support the violence but I support the protest.
But what the pro-trump guys did was fucked themselves (rightly so) by invading the House - no excuse for that.
And remember Hillary's words of advice to Biden; "Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede...
reimus - I was being facetious.
If you think back during that “annus horribilis of 2020” - no wait - they are protesting the stolen election.
Law enforcement will enforce and charge the "insurrectionists"
Xi Jinping Orders Chinese Army to Prepare for War ‘at Any Second’
BEN WHEDON5 Jan 2021
Chinese dictator Xi Jinping on Monday issued orders to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to prepare to “act at any second” and
maintain “full-time combat readiness,” the South China Morning Post (SCMP)...
So just a thought.
If a disorganized mob could storm into the capital building during a joint session of congress, what could a organized group do?
Answer: Copy antifa tactics
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