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    RNZN issues tender for Fleet Tanker replacement

    More with this update: Janes
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    15 Jul 2016: Attempted Coup in Turkey + Aftermath

    A 2nd coup attempt underway? In addition to these missing helos, the Daily Mail says that 14 warships are missing. I'm still double checking as of this posting. Sputnik News
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    Russian Tank Biathlon (Russia invites foreign tank crews to compete)

    Chinese Type 96 MBTs joining Russia and other former Warsaw Pact tank teams at this year's edition of tank biathlon: China will use upgraded Type 96A main battle tank for Tank Biathlon 2016 competition in Russia | Army Recognition - 13 July 2016 IHS Jane's 360 - 12 July 2016 At least five...
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    "The Last Ship" tv series depicts USN AEGIS destroyer fighting global pandemic

    Spoilers below this line ______________________________________ I didn't expect the hostages to be rescued this early in the season. Also, why would China send the MSS when they can send in the PLA?
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    Philippine Navy Upgrading

    The PN about to receive its 3rd Hamilton class cutter/future frigate. Update.ph
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    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Why wasn't this intercepted by Iron Dome? Defense News
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    US Election: 2016

    An 11th hour attempt to derail his campaign? Associated Press
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    15 Jul 2016: Attempted Coup in Turkey + Aftermath

    Mopping up operations after the coup fails: some of the coup faction officers fled to Greece in a helicopter. Other sources also say the coup was reportedly orchestrated by a cleric exiled in the US: Reuters
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    USN submarine fleet numbers at issue

    Apologies for the duplicate thread at this other topic with an article from last month. I'd like to please request a merge? Defense News
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    British Military Current Events

    Let's hope she isn't beset by the same problems that plagued her sisters recently: Naval Technology
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    US Election: 2016

    Yesterday, CNN listed Pence, Christie and Gingrinch as the top three contenders for the VP slot. The baggage the other two have should have make it obvious who was going to be the only choice. CNN And in other news: Canadian Press
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    India (Superthread)

    Lockmart sweetening the pot in a last-ditch deal to steal Dassault's customer? Hindu Business Line
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    THAAD deploys to South Korea

    A deployment to the South to put it out of North Korean artillery range if it had been deployed to near Seoul instead? Reuters
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    China begins to rattle sabers and make war threats after not getting its way: Agence-France-Presse via Interaksyon (Philippines news site) It's not just mainland China that rejected the ITLOS ruling, but the other China (Taiwan) as well. Agence-Frace-Presse via Interaksyon(Philippines news site)
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    Venezuela Superthread- Merged

    The Venezuela spiral continues as Maduro uses foreign entities as scapegoats. Reuters
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    New RN CVFs/ Queen Elizabeth class carriers taking shape (updates)

    An update on the CVFs' air complements: Defense News
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    A More Assertive Japan: Good or Bad for Regional Stability?"

    In the aftermath of the recent Hague ruling on the South China Sea mentioned on the China Super thread. Reuters
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    India (Superthread)

    More on the Shtorm class CV design at the Russian Military thread (Merged)- Navy. Defense News
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    US Election: 2016

    A backroom deal for Sanders to get the VP slot as opposed to Senator Elizabeth Warren? BBC
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    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

    Aside from more about the Finns and Putin mentioned below, the looming Russian shadow over Scandinavian countries reminds me of this series, currently showing on Netflix, called "Occupied" about a future Russian invasion and occupation of Norway. Defense News