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    Are aircraft carriers obsolete?

    Must be that time of year when the certain defense publications come out with their usual "we don't have enough carriers, panic!" fear mongering articles: National Interest
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    USAF Woes

    Defense News
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    Thailand takes a step backward away from democracy: AFP
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    A-10 Warthog to be retired by USAF (maybe)

    I wonder Trump's position on this aircraft would be: Defense News
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    "Dunkirk" WW2 movie directed by Chris Nolan coming out in July 2017

    First official trailer out: Dunkirk Trailer 1
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    Islam and Western Society

    :facepalm: Any religion that does not permit a degree of secularism in its host society like these clerics won't survive till the next century. Japan Times
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    All PLA naval and air units on a "war footing"? Reuters
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    The thing is, all the conflicts the PRC has been directly involved in since 1949 have been mainly land campaigns, with the exception of botched PLA amphibious landings on the Taiwan-held offshore island bases like Kinmen and Quemoy in the 1950s. Chinese 1945-49 Civil War: mainly a ground war on...
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    US Election: 2016

    I once saw a Newsweek political cartoon that parodied a General MacArthur quote by saying "Old Soldiers never die... They just go on CNN" Marine Corps Times
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    US Election: 2016

    Something these GOP members will regret if Trump wins? Reuters
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    Columbia class SSBN(X) program to officially replace Ohio class SSBNs

    An SSBN named after Washington DC? Perhaps this will add fuel to the fiery US debate that DC should also have its own senators if it has an SSBN named after it - the same way full US states do.  [:D US Naval Institute
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    Would the CCP really be willing to risk China losing 30 years' worth of economic development and better living standards for its people simply for their claim on the South China Sea? Would Xi and the current seatholders of the Politburo Standing Committee really lose face if they blinked like...
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    In the wake of the latest North Korean missile launches, one of which landed in Japan's EEZ  a couple of days ago: Yonhap
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    Chinese media calls Australia "Ideal target to strike" over South China Sea

    The threat would seem to be directed at any ship that dares to conduct Freedom of Navigation operations in the South China Sea: Source: Daily Caller
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    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Here we go: Defense News
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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    Another Russian helo shot down over Syria: Specialops.org Russian helicopter shot down in Syria Specialops.org Body of Russian pilot dragged through dirt after helicopter is shot down over Syria
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    Chinese media calls Australia "Ideal target to strike" over South China Sea

    China really shouldn't mess with the Aussies, or any fellow Commonwealth country for that matter. Japan Times
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    Pan-Islamic merged mega thread

    The US air campaign expands to Libya beyond mere drone strikes: BBC
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    US vs OPEC "Oil War" (trade war)?

    From last June but still relevant: Oil-Price.net
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    Malaysia: Islamic fundamentalism vs secularism, etc

    Crows circling as Najib's govt. falters in the wake of recent scandals? Reuters