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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    Backfires in the news again: Air Recognition
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    French sub maker DCNS in classified data leak scandal

    While the Malaysians say there's nothing to worry about, it seems the Indians won't be taking any chances: Defense News Berita Daily
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    US Election: 2016

    Hmm. The headline apparently said "Trump gaining on Clinton" on the MSN newsfeed, but this was the headline below at the source article. Reuters
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    South Korea wants BMD capability for their destroyers

    Semi-related: More to make Japan's Kongos and Atagos, not to mention South Korea's Sejong class DDGs, more lethal... Defense News
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    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    An update on South Korea's own F35 program: Defense News
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    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    More incidents: Defense News
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    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    A T-90 copy? National Interest
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    French sub maker DCNS in classified data leak scandal

    Cause for India and Australia to worry since they're DCNS sub customers? Agence France-Presse via Bangkok Post
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    Airborne Laser

    The SHiELD program: Air Recognition
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    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    The IRGC at it again, tempting fate with the USN: Reuters
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    BAE developing self-repairing Combat aircraft

    Skynet now has a replicator?  ;D UK Defence Journal
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    Turkey to allow Russian bombers to use Incirlik airbase

    Erdogan and Putin are clearly in bed together...wouldn't this further complicate Ankara's relationship with NATO? Stripes.com
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    U2 spy planes eyed for conversion to ICBM killers

    Wouldn't the SR-71 be better suited for this?  ??? Popular Mechanics
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    At some point Beijing has to say "enough is enough" if Pyongyang keeps rattling the regional economic gravy train. Reuters
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    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Although this was such a short stint, their strikes last week demonstrated that the Russians were capable of launching strikes from Iran against Syrian rebels: Canadian Press
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    US Election: 2016

    "Wrestling"? Pondering with many sleepless nights? Really? Something tells me he might instead come up with "You're deported!" slogan to replace his signature "You're Fired!" phrase.  ;D Tribune Washington Bureau
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    More on the Type 055 project vessels, called "cruisers" by some due to their size, while called mere "destroyers" by others: (pics of construction below article) Navy Recognition
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    USAF Woes

    A problem that may worsen if recruiting shortfalls continue? Air Force Times
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    The US Navy's Gerald R. Ford Class Aircraft Carriers (updates)"

    Precision Aircraft Landing System (PALS) Tested on Ford-class Aircraft Carrier at HII Shipyard Source: navy recognition - 19 August 2016 A special instrumented F-18 Super Hornet flew within about 500 feet of Gerald R. Ford 10 times during the testing, which verifies the proper...
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    No doubt the girl in the picture at the link below must be privately cringing in disgust in the photo she took with him: Yahoo Sports