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  1. C

    Philippine Navy Upgrading

    New frigates will be built in South Korea while the ex-USCG Hamilton class cutters hold the line: Janes
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    More on China's proxy navy: their fishing fleet. East China Sea: Dress Rehearsal for Invasion? Real Clear Defense
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    Former U.S. military service

    Since you're already a permanent resident in the US and discouraged from the US Army's age 35 cutoff, have you instead considered the Air National Guard in your state? This link below says that the ANG age limit is 40: (please scroll down to the list below the article)...
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    US Navy's Littoral Combat Ship

    Good news for one of the class members: Defense News
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    Ohio Replacement Program (ORP)

    Older thread for this topic: Columbia class SSBN(X) to replace Ohio class
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    Seeking an excuse to spend Defence $$ on a Bombardier plane

    The latest woes for Bombardier: CBC
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    Defending Canadian Arctic Sovereignty

    Byers weighs in again: CBC
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    Profs say students lack maturity, feel entitled

    Related:  Kind of ironic that some of this generation eventually end up on the other side of the drive-thru window if their degree in ____ can't get them the job they expected, and they need to pay back those student loans. Business Insider
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    US Election: 2016

    As expected: Pena Nietos should have been the last person Trump needed to meet. Reuters
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    RAN to add biofuel capability to ships and aircraft by 2020

    The issue of continued interoperability with the USN during the transition to synthetic fuel is discussed here. Please note the older thread on the USS Makin and the USN's "going green" fleet. ASPI Strategist
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    British Military Current Events

    Too much rum, sodomy and the lash aside, here's more pleasant news for the RN:  ;D BBC
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    China and Ukraine agree to restart AN-225 airlifter production

    To the mods, please keep this separate from the China superthread. Chinese money reviving another Soviet -era giant: IHS Jane's 360 - 31 August 2016 Having demonstrated a world-record payload of 253.82 tonnes, the six-engined An-225 is the largest transport aircraft ever to have flown. The...
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    Canada's New, Liberal, Foreign Policy

    No figures yet on what this current govt. will commit to the new AIIB: Canadian Press
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    Tim Hortons expanding to the UK

    Isn't there one in Dubai/the UAE as well? Daily Hive/Vancity Buzz
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    WTF?! Sky News
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    US Election: 2016

    Oh well... New York Daily News
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    US Election: 2016

    This won't look good for Trump if he's seen as making a last-ditch, desperate effort to get Peña Nietos' endorsement, especially since the Mexican President's predecessor Vicente Fox essentially called Trump a buffoon several months ago, when talk of making Mexico pay for a border wall was still...
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    Australia to build new naval fleet with $65 Billion Package

    An update on the future frigate program: Navy Recognition
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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Navy

    Pics of mobile coastal defense artillery units at the link below: Navy Recognition