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  1. C

    Philippine president Duterte wants to kick US SF troops out of Southern Phil.

    Here's more from today that shows that Duterte is a pro-China puppet with this complete about-face in relations with the US: Bloomberg Aside from the Chinese-sponsored railway mentioned earlier, here's more of his conciliatory tone toward China even as he continues his anti-US tirade...
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    NSA Whistle-blower Ed Snowden

    If Trump becomes president, can he reverse a pardon if Obama gives it? ABC News
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    Kim's regime continues to dig a deeper hole for itself: Reuters
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    Philippine president Duterte wants to kick US SF troops out of Southern Phil.

    Déjà vu of 1992: this is more to indicate that Duterte is a puppet of China. A Chinese sponsored railway for his constituents in the South is his price for giving up the Philippines' South China Sea claims and for taking an anti-US stance. Reuters
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    US Navy's Littoral Combat Ship

    An official admission of failure: Defense Aerospace
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    The Next Conservative Leader

    Ouch. I hope this isn't final. Canadian Press
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    Mexico’s instability, drug wars, et. al.

    Don't tell me these gangs also have RPGs and MANPADS?  :o AFP via Telegraph
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    Tom Hanks may star as WW2 CO of destroyer in "Greyhound" movie

    That's just it- the only USS Greyhound that served during WW2 was a transport/auxiliary. Even though the article doesn't say the character's nationality, should we automatically assume this destroyer CO was American? There was an RN destroyer HMS Greyhound in WW2 which had a notable career...
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    Other sources say the exercises below are amphibious and include warships, aircraft and amphibious armor from both nations, obviously sending a message about the PRC stance on the South China Sea, though not necessarily that of Putin... Reuters
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    Tom Hanks may star as WW2 CO of destroyer in "Greyhound" movie

    So will his XO be a volleyball named Wilson?  ;D ("Castaway" reference for those who haven't seen it)
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    If it wasn't for North Korea's supposed nukes and WMDs, South Korea/ROK's better equipped, better trained and better fed military could have liberated the people of the North from Kim Jong Un's thugs long ago, even without the US 2nd Infantry Division's help. And Beijing probably won't intervene...
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    Tom Hanks may star as WW2 CO of destroyer in "Greyhound" movie

    Given his performance as Ranger Captain Miller in "Saving Private Ryan", or even merchant mariner "Captain Philips" shouldn't he be well-suited to this role? Variety
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    US Election: 2016

    First there's a Russian connection (a campaign staff member who worked before for the exiled pro-Russia ex-President of Ukraine), now there's a Saudi one: New York Daily News
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    Germans have "most powerful passport" (visa-free access to 177 countries)

    Apparently nothing came out of this British think tank's recommendation, from earlier this year, that there should be visa-free travel for citizens of the UK and the Commonwealth Dominions such as Canada to each other's lands. UK think tank urges visa-free travel between the UK, Canada...
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    "The Last Ship" tv series depicts USN AEGIS destroyer fighting global pandemic

    I just found out  "The Last Ship" was renewed for Season 4, according this article on the show. WTF? Just how much more can they stretch this story?!!! Episode 13 (Don't Look Back) will air on Sept 11 which will be the last episode of the current season. Tonight will be Episode 12 (Resistance).
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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    New Su34s based on Russia's Pacific coast: Sukhoi hands over new batch of Su-34 strike fighters to Russian Air Force Air Recognition - 01 September 2016 A RuAF Su-34 strike fighter (Credit: Alex Beltyukov)
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    Germans have "most powerful passport" (visa-free access to 177 countries)

    Perhaps here's one reason why all those refugees are headed to Germany instead of staying in other EU countries: Business Insider
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    More vaporware? Air Recognition - 02 September 2016
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    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

    Apparently Japan has its own share of tin foil hatters: Washington Post
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    Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

    The PLA's J-20 stealth fighters are reportedly preparing for exercises over Tibet (called Xizang in Chinese): (photo originally from Defence-blog.com) air.DFNS.net