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  1. C

    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

    Putin to revive the KGB as the MGB. Veuer
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    North Korea (Superthread)

    These launches seem to be more frequent that the previous year. AFP via France 24
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    Philippine president Duterte wants to kick US SF troops out of Southern Phil.

    Duterte is no doubt the Hugo Chavez of Asia, down to his own admiration for Putin: Canadian Press Philippine Star
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    Feminist groups want notorious pickup artist kicked off UBC campus

    The comments section at the article source below really is heartwarming.  :facepalm: Daily Hive
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    The WTF News Files

    An entry for Darwin Awards 2016:  :facepalm: Daily Dot
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    Syria Superthread [merged]

    More from Syria from last week/last weekend: Reuters AFP via Daily Mail
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    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

    Putin/Palpatine: I am the Senate!".  ;D Reuters
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    Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

    The global oil glut isn't helping Putin's "pan-ethnic Russian" Fuhrer-saviour designs on Europe:  ;D CNN Money
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    Shipyards that service USN now using Chinese-built drydocks

    Reminds me of the "fake Chinese parts in US aircraft" issue a few years ago: Shipyards Serving US Navy Already Use Chinese-Built Drydocks Breaking Defense - September 16, 2016
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    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Slanted mainstream press coverage I've seen appears to make it seem like the whole fleet was grounded when only these few were: Aviationist
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    US Election: 2016

    Seems the media has already given him enough "scrutiny" that it's kind of hard to escape no matter which news channel you go to: Canadian Press Not sure if there's any truth behind this allegation, but it certainly caused some people at the comments section in the article link below to...
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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    An upgrade for their naval air arm's fighters: IHS Jane's 360
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    US vs OPEC "Oil War" (trade war)?

    On another forum, an oil worker remarked how he was having trouble finding work and there wouldn't be increased demand for it for awhile. AFP
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    Russia's Mistral class LHDs: updates

    To think certain posters at the "Best Frigate for Canada" Facebook group keep on complaining "those could have been ours" every time this topic is brought up there, without regard to how they will be manned, maintained or supplied (especially when we don't have our AOR and currently have to rely...
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    USN shipborne energy beam wpn/Shipboard Laser Weapon System - LaWS

    A surface fleet entirely equipped with lasers one day? National Interest
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    Malaysia Airliner Disappearance

    One question answered only leads to more questions: Canadian Press
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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Navy

    Priboi class LHDs??  ??? Navy Recognition
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    Is the Canadian Naval Reserve all but finished?

    A new role for the naval reserves? Naval Today
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    HMAS Hobart Air Warfare Destroyer launched

    Update: sea trials have begun. Naval Technology
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    First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

    No doubt the press will bring up the 1990 Oka crisis again: Canadian Press