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Recent content by Wild_Rover

  1. Wild_Rover

    Married but paying for rations while on course.

    If not already said, as that you are married and have a second household, being that your posting is 6 months or longer you are entitled to a permanent posting therefore if you are on IR you are entitled to Separation expenses as long as you are to be posted elsewhere to be reunited. ...
  2. Wild_Rover

    Leave Policy – Christmas / Holidays [Merged]

    Thanks.  Yes I did read this before, answered some of my questions, unfortunately not the ones I currently have, although I take from it that the school can make us take split leave around a duty watch but, i'm not 100% sure on that.
  3. Wild_Rover

    Leave Policy – Christmas / Holidays [Merged]

    Good day, My classmates and I at CFNES were just hit with duty watches over Xmas leave and we had a few questions regarding entitlements.  I've read through the CF leave policy manual and found a few links to aid us, for instance, Section 2.2 states from my understanding that because duty...