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Recent content by Tbird

  1. Tbird

    Almost done SQ

    Holy crap...I'm a woman first of all lets get that straight. Secondly I graduated from SQ today  ;D  Not too sure what all the fuss is about. I found Sq hard due to injury.... what's wrong with that?....Anywho I'm in a good mood so I'll just let all that nonsense that was written go. Congrats...
  2. Tbird

    weight loss in BMQ

    I lost 11 pounds...which is to be expected running around in 40 humidex with all your combats on!  :salute:
  3. Tbird

    Almost done SQ

    Well hello all! It's been awhile since I wrote a little something. I graduated from BMQ and am almost done SQ. I leave for Petawawa in a few days for the field portion of my training and then I'm done! Well still have to do my QL3 but that won't be like this stuff. It's been a hard road for me I...
  4. Tbird

    BMQ finished

    How did you find the BMQ?
  5. Tbird

    Got my physical this Monday!!

    Ya when I did mine I felt doing it fast helped. Power it threw and remember to exhale as you push up.
  6. Tbird

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hey Navcomm any news yet? As for me I'm off to do Pre-BMQ June 26th at Kingston. Then BMQ starts July 4th. I almost have all my kit, got my i.d. and tags. I've been helping out with my unit the past week and it's been awesome. Already learned some cool stuff.  ;D
  7. Tbird

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Got sworn in today  ;D  I'm supposed to go back on Wednesday to be issued some gear and get my i.d.  Everyone was so nice and welcomed me to the forces. I must've said thanks 20 times!! lol I was so excited...still am...feels great.
  8. Tbird

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Ottawa, Ontario Regular/reserve: Reserve Trade Choice 1: RMS Clerk Trade Choice 2 : Supp Tech Trade Choice 3: Application Date: April 8, 2005 First Contacted: April 15, 2005   (Approx.) CFAT Completed: May 4, 2005 Interview Completed: May 9, 2005 Medical Completed: May 16...
  9. Tbird

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Yuppers that's exaclty what I had to do as well.
  10. Tbird

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  Ok I got the call!!!! I get sworn in on Monday. I'm going to be in the July 4th BMQ in Kingston!!!! I'm so happy right now. Thanks guys for all the support.  :salute:
  11. Tbird

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Wow that's awesome! Nothing like that is going on on my end. But i'm happy for ya  :salute:
  12. Tbird

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    No news yet. I'm going to call again to check my med file status. Keep ya posted  :)
  13. Tbird

    Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

    Nav were you given more then 1 possibility for location regarding basic training? I was, just a tad confused as to why that is.
  14. Tbird

    Cut off date

    Hey Canuck_25 You said you wanted to get outta here. Where is "here"? Do you live in a small town? Just curious
  15. Tbird

    Went to my testing and interview on May 5th

    Really...was it in normal range before you started?