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Recent content by SeaKingTacco

  1. SeaKingTacco

    Artillery NCM and Hearing Damage

    Working the gun between the trails and wearing hearing protection is not a particularly loud environment.
  2. SeaKingTacco

    Have your say on the future of Canadian Military Colleges: Review Board launches consultations with Canadians online portal

    I am perhaps unique in that I have both OCTP and Mil Col experience. Neither are “better”- they are just different paths. OCTP gets you in the door to do the actual job quicker, but will leave you with significant educational gaps that you will have to make up on your own time. This will...
  3. SeaKingTacco

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    No, you do not want trainees blasting around at 28 kts…
  4. SeaKingTacco

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I wouldn’t worry about an NRD tender being down for maintenance (planned or otherwise). The backup is either go visit another NRD or fly to the coast until your’s is fixed.
  5. SeaKingTacco

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    If I were to “clean sheet” the training vessel fleet, I would do this: Tenders- purchase something 75ft or less for basic seamanship and basic navigation training. This would be a trainee’s first exposure to sailing. Buy enough for VENTURE, plus each NRD with water access on each coast should...
  6. SeaKingTacco

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    Actually, going alongside is a requirement. Otherwise, how do trainees learn how to go alongside?
  7. SeaKingTacco

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    The Orca hull is already an awkward size. It is too big to get into many of the Marinas in the Gulf Islands/SoG. It is too small to be exposed to weather/sea state outside the Gulf Islands/SoG. If you make the next training class bigger, they get that much more expensive, harder to drive (not...
  8. SeaKingTacco

    2025 Federal Election - 28 Apr 25

    The constant radio commercials that I keep hearing from the Liberals are emphatic that a vote for Mark Carney is a vote for “change”. That takes an incredible amount of chutzpah to say that, when it is Trudeau’s former team behind Carney, it is all the same MPs and mostly the same policies...
  9. SeaKingTacco

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    The infrastructure at Bagtown, Cool Pool and all the FOLs needed redoing, anyway, regardless what fighter we got. I can’t imagine there is much difference in hangar requirements for an F35 vice a Eurocanard…
  10. SeaKingTacco

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    Or put all the Panthers at one base and the Eurocanards at another….
  11. SeaKingTacco

    2025 Federal Election - 28 Apr 25

    Pro tip to federal political parties- never, under any circumstance, recruit a former BC provincial politician to run federally. You will live to regret it…
  12. SeaKingTacco

    Have your say on the future of Canadian Military Colleges: Review Board launches consultations with Canadians online portal

    All that I am saying is that the fix was in before the committee looked at the Mil Cols. I had low expectations about the report, but not everything they said was stupid. Basically, they said the academic wing is too powerful and needs to be clipped back so that military training can be fit...
  13. SeaKingTacco

    2025 Federal Election - 28 Apr 25

    Both parties dodged bullets, there…
  14. SeaKingTacco

    Have your say on the future of Canadian Military Colleges: Review Board launches consultations with Canadians online portal

    The report says that spreading them out to Civvy U would be no better and would still not solve a culture problem.
  15. SeaKingTacco

    Night shifts

    The rule says 8hrs uninterrupted rest, not sleep. The uninterrupted sleep “bar” was just too high onboard a ship. It was also fun watching the face of the XO who pulled a black flex FIREX mid day, only to be told by me that , congratulations, he had just re-set the crew rest counter to zero and...