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Recent content by Roman

  1. R

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    I have a friend that was on the NOAB about 5 years ago; he said that most days people were dressed in golf shirt / khakis, except for their interviews and dinners.  However things may have changed as the joining instructions I received specifically says the following: "...upper end of what is...
  2. R

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    You should read this excellent post if you haven't already: http://forums.air-force.ca/forums/threads/52231.0.html See you next week    :)
  3. R


    I think I may be joining you as well.  I spoke to my file manager today and he said there was a note on my file saying I needed to attend; although as far as he knew MARS were the only ones that were required to attend NOAB.  Everything I've read on this site seems to indicate otherwise though ...