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Recent content by PL90

  1. PL90

    Need clarifications regarding references.

    Hello, I need some clarifications regarding the references. I've already had appointments and I could've asked those questions during that time, but unfortunately I forgot to do so. In fact, I've only noticed the discrepancy on the online form and the documents that was sent to me by the unit...
  2. PL90

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    That. Couldn't agree more.
  3. PL90

    How easy is it to transfer from the Reserve forces to a full-time unit?

    Let's say someone signs up in the reserves and after a year, he wants to transfer to full-time, how easy is it and how long does it take?
  4. PL90

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Oh, I know that. I'm just pointing out an excuse that many politicians have used to neglect injecting funds in our army. I'm not entirely acquainted to the tagging system yet. I'm new here, well at least when it comes to posting.
  5. PL90

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Ah yes, the "let's rely on America for defense" excuse. I never was a big fan of that crap..
  6. PL90

    Continuing studies during the enrolment process, how would it go?

    Greetings, I'm currently in the enrolment process (reserves) but I saw the post regarding the typical enrolment timeline and it seems that the entire process can take a while, so I would like to pursue my studies in the meantime. My question is, would this somehow affect the procedure? How...
  7. PL90

    What should i do next?

    I have the same status as you, thanks for posting the question
  8. PL90


    Well, I'm not a doctor and there's probably plenty of folks more qualified than me to answer your questions, but I'll tell you what I think, if you don't mind. From what I've read regarding medications for mental health, they do not recruit people who are on those type of medication. You need...
  9. PL90

    Selection dates.

    I've just finished my online recruitment application and 2 out of 3 of my preferred roles aren't in demand (Infantry and Combat Engineer), the third one being Gunner, which is in demand. I'll let you know how quickly things go from now on.
  10. PL90

    Soldier Information Handbook - PLQ and other stuff

    This is VERY useful, thank you for posting it! By the way, is there similar handbooks pre-enrollment for the regular forces? I'd like to compare them.
  11. PL90

    Civilians complaining about Police/Emergency Services' Pay

    They complain because they're ignorant about the risks associated with those jobs. They'd stop complaining if they were forced to deal with some guy whose high on drugs and brandishing a gun, threatening to shoot anyone who comes near him. IMHO, the more risks there is, the higher the pay...
  12. PL90

    RCMP officers told not to wear symbol depicting ‘thin blue line’

    Couldn't agree more with this statement. They're paid millions for playing a sport or appearing on screen.. it's ridiculous.
  13. PL90

    Toronto: Love it or hate it?

    Never been there, would like to visit one day.
  14. PL90

    Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition

    Interesting reads. The first article... They wanted to combat those they perceived as terrorists by becoming terrorists themselves... The irony.
  15. PL90

    Selection dates.

    I'd like to know the same thing.