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Recent content by Panzertech

  1. P

    Combat Hospital (ABC and Global) Premiere June 21st

    I despise this show. The first episode left me LIVID beyond words. From the King size ultra luxury suites to the staff wearing scrubs out and about around KAF, everyone screwing each other pretty much on the boardwalk. The seriously scary part is there are people that think that this is the way...
  2. P

    CBC Radio's "Afghanada": 2006-2011

    I was reading the news on CBC.CA and they had an advertisement for this radio show. My view on this show is much the same as a lot of the members and our civilian friends on here that, good PR is good even though it is not that accurate. What really drives me though, inaccuracies and out right...
  3. P

    Sacrifice Medal Mega Thread

    I like you prefer the wound strip it was something that set itself apart from just another medal. With all the Gimmie medal these for polishing a higher up's well you get That idea. Not a fan of the Wound Medal name as it is to close to wound stripe, blood medal doesn't take in to account the...
  4. P

    Unit sitting on my OT

    I LOVE that brick idea. Not too worried about the deadlines. The program I am using is the Continuous OT Program so even if I don't make the board this year I will be in line for the next one but they are always accepting the OT Apps. I would like to have put it in earlier but was not able to as...
  5. P

    What Colour will Canada paint Leopard 2's from the Dutch

    I think they will stay the colour that they are for two reasons 1. The Canadian government is too cheap to spring for any paint. 2> Drive for 5 min in that country and you are covered in Moondust and are tan anyway so there is no point.
  6. P

    Warning About The Personal Insurance Company - CF Members Posted to Edmonton

    I used to be insured with The Personal till about 4 years ago (I live in Edmonton, Lake District) They quoted me some retarded price for my car insurance after buying a house and moving from the Q's to Edmonton. On the advise of a friend I got a broker and Whoa I am saving over $1K just on my...
  7. P

    Memo number for OT

    5710 Occupation Transfers best to use 5710/Service number.
  8. P

    Unit sitting on my OT

    I hope this wasn't covered somewhere else because I am sure that it happens a lot. I am in a certian armoured unit out west and trying to OT to Ammo Tech, however my unit keeps sitting on my OT. I am a Veh Tech. This is my second attempt to submit an OT. First I attempted to OT I submitted the...