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Recent content by chief_of_da_fence

  1. chief_of_da_fence

    Grievance petition

    https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-5286 Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament assembled Whereas: The military grievance process's key aspect is its ability to resolve complaints effectively and efficiently; Present circumstances allow the Chief of...
  2. chief_of_da_fence


    What the latest on reserve musicians, will the trade continue to exist as there are volunteer bands available to fill any music requirements ? Just wondering as the budget came out a while ago . Mod edit to fix thread title spelling
  3. chief_of_da_fence

    Access to information question

    What are the consequences for a member that intentionally doesn't provide the information requested in an ATIP request.
  4. chief_of_da_fence

    Boatswain (BOSN)

    Can any one tell me where the refrence is regarding what trades are sea general trades. I applied for a position that required a knowledge of boats trailers etc . And the position was given to a trade that is not sea going more is it a administrative purple trade. I know what trades are sea...
  5. chief_of_da_fence

    Grievance question

    If this isn't a complicated issue you can ask to meet with your CO for personal reasons and discuss this with them . If necessary it can be conciddered a verbal grievence. You can carry your written grievance with you and hand it to them. If necessary you can draft that document as your...
  6. chief_of_da_fence

    Any trades cut in the new budget?

    Would trades be forewarned that the budjet cuts may impact their envelope, or does everybody find out at the same time ??
  7. chief_of_da_fence

    Grivance Warning

    Well thank you that was my intent, court costs and a lawyer can cost you over 10.000.00 dollars in my case . All so it was impassable to find a lawyer . After the fact I posted in facebook searching a cross Canada and the only law firm that got back to me wanted a 5000.00 dollar retainer. People...
  8. chief_of_da_fence

    Grivance Warning

    I had just been cleared medically a few weeks prior , post medical after a TAV in KAF. That medical disappeared from my medical files. As for My COC the CDS  stated they treated me unfairly and with a lack of transparency. As for your claim I fully support it but I don't know if removing a...
  9. chief_of_da_fence

    Grivance Warning

    I will also add that one of my arguments was that I would of gone to the Ombudsman after the Grievance process  Long story Short the Chief Justice of the federal court of appeal ruled that the ombudsman could not help in the grievance process. Words to the effect of it clearly states that the...
  10. chief_of_da_fence

    Grivance Warning

    If only it were that simple 90 days of the delay was the fault of the CFGA . The CFGA omitted 75 % of the grievance. The Ombudsman will not touch it because of the involvement of the Justice department. The matters grieved that were omitted were two T6 false medical category or T6 without any...
  11. chief_of_da_fence

    Grivance Warning

    I was prepared to pay some costs until the DND lawyer turned it into a lesson for the entire CF at my expense. I spoke to a crown prosecutor and they said the fees were excessive.  There is confusion because the DND lawyer employed by HQ is a lawyer out of the Justice Department. What I can say...
  12. chief_of_da_fence

    Grivance Warning

    Good day all. Just wanted to send this out FYI.  I had a grievance that needed to go to a judicial review.  I missed a dead line and ended up in the federal court of appeal. I could not get a lawyer and had to take it on my self.i did not win the appeal. The DND counselors informed the federal...
  13. chief_of_da_fence

    Reservists - medical treatments for on duty injuries - paid??

    Question.. Same subject. I have injuries I recived in Afghanistan I am on benefits from Veterans Affairs when I go for appointments or physio related to the injuries in question do I sign a pay sheet. These are civi doctors and therapists? Just to clarify I am an a class reservist.  Thank you.
  14. chief_of_da_fence

    List of file numbers

    Orderly Room is closed I have do do this up tonight I will use the pers thank you.
  15. chief_of_da_fence

    List of file numbers

    any one know where I can find a list of file numbers ? particularly summary trial :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: :cdn: Thank you