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Recent content by burkus2

  1. burkus2

    Army Courses List

    Army reserves still have BMQ in the summer. They probably do not offer part time courses in the summer (at least In my area they don't). I live in Winnipeg and my BMQ is June 30 to July 30,  most likely taking place in Edmonton or Victoria. So you could end up anywhere. It's only 5 weeks unless...
  2. burkus2

    True updates about new BMQ / FORCE / EXPRES (NO RUMOURS)

    I failed the EXPRES and passed the FORCE Before I did the EXPRES I underestimated my pushups and I did 2 out of 9.... (I am a woman under 35 years and fairly active) Clearly I did not prepare enough for it and I was so discouraged because those pushups were nuts... I did the FORCE test with...
  3. burkus2

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Thanks for the info guys I know for a fact (been told by recruiters and Sargents in my unit) that there aren't any part time courses being held in my area this summer. Totally alright with that I'll be glad to get out of the province for a few weeks... Hopefully going to be doing BMQ in...
  4. burkus2

    How to get family on board

    My mom has never been supportive of my decision to join the CF but my dad and stepdad have had nothing but support for me. My mom is so old school.. She thinks that I'm going to be shipped off to 'Iraq and get shot by Pakis...' pardon the terms but that's her words. To her, the army is a death...
  5. burkus2

    CF Hair Regulations - Female styles

    It's about two inches wide and about four inches long. It hasn't grown too much as I have shaved it a few times since the first time it was done to keep it looking neat. Thank you for the advice though.
  6. burkus2

    CF Hair Regulations - Female styles

    I had my pulled back for my picture and nobody said anything.. I did it a few months back so way before I was sworn in. It's hides nicely when my hair is down and doesn't look that bad when my hair is pulled back either.
  7. burkus2

    CF Hair Regulations - Female styles

    So.. I'm a girl and I've got a small section on the right side of my head shaved and the rest of my hair is pretty long. Is that considered as a crazy hairstyle or is it acceptable? Has anyone seen it /done it before? Or am I going to be forced to cut my hair off.. I'd be okay with it but I love...
  8. burkus2

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Isn't bmq for reserves only 5 weeks?
  9. burkus2

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Any dates for bmq for June?? I'm a reservist in the sigs and I was sworn in last week..