Good day,
I am currently in the background check of my Forces application, it has been delayed some due to my eyesight being too poor for the infantry. I have changed my trade to weapons tech since it is a non-combat role.
Part of why I wanted to enlist was the deployment. I see how...
Good day,
On Wednesday the 24th I have my physical and job interview with my unit. I have two problems currently.
I am currently in the process of reserve enlistment but would now like to move to regular forces. Should I mention this during the interview (I don't think I should as then the...
The website has it listed as full-time, this is probably because firefighters would have to be on base almost 24/7 to ensure that any fires on base can be effectively quelled. Probably wouldn't be too effective of a firefighting force if the firefighters are only there one evening a...
Good day,
I am currently undergoing my enlistment process and am set to do my medical evaluation and interview on July 24, 2024. I have read through a thread about the competition list and saw that contracts are usually given out in December or January. Given that my interview is in July, and I...
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