
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are MilPoints?
A: They're sort of like frequent flyer points for Milnet.ca.
Q: Who can collect MilPoints?
A: All registered users can earn MilPoints.
Q: How do I collect MilPoints?
A: MilPoints are automatically accrued by contributing to Milnet.ca, and can also be purchased directly.
Here are the ways you can earn (or lose!) MiPoints on Milnet.ca:
Action | Points |
New Topic | 20 |
Topic Removed | -30 |
New Post | 10 |
Post Removed | -15 |
New Quote | 10 |
Quote Removed | -20 |
New Calendar Entry | 10 |
Calendar Entry Removed | -20 |
1 Hour Online | 20 |
For every $ spent at the Milnet.ca Store * | 10 |
For every $ when purchased directly*, ** | 200 |
The top 5 MilPoints earners each day will also be given a bonus of 100, 50, 25, 15 and 10 points respectively.
More importantly, users can "assess" another user based on their posts, rewarding or docking them up to 300 MilPoints.
(Users with more MilPoints themselves will be able to punish or reward higher amounts.)
Occasionally, MilPoints may be given away as part of a promotion or contest, or to
reward exceptional activity. Users who are placed on warning will have MilPoints automaticlly deducted.
* When purchasing via PayPal
** Add a bonus 5% for each 1,000 MilPoints purchased
Q: How many MilPoints do you need to "assess" another user's conduct?
A: Anyone can assess anyone else's conduct immediately.
How much you can award or deduct depends on your own MilPoints balance:
Your balance | Your max assessment |
0-499 | 25 |
500-999 | 40 |
1000-1999 | 60 |
2000-4999 | 100 |
5000-9999 | 150 |
10000+ | 300 |
Q: How do I "assess" another member's conduct?
A: Simply click on the logo above that user's post and you will be taken to a screen where you can classify the user's post, choose how many points to award or deduct, and add some notes.
Q: Who can see my MilPoints history? Can I see another user's history?
A: Everyone's history is completely public, including who assessed who and the note they left. To see another user's history, simply click on the image next to one of their posts.
Q: How do I see my own MilPoints history?
A: You can check your MilPoints History page for details on what you've done to earn your points.
Q: What can I do with my MilPoints?
A: You can spend your MilPoints on Afghan Operations, an online game developed for Facebook.
Q: What is my current MilPoints balance?
A: Your balance is:
Q: Who has the most MilPoints?
A: Have a look at the MilPoints Statistics page for more information.